Routine pediatric dental care monitors their oral health developments and helps prevent future problems.
Children should visit their dentist as routinely as adults. Routine teeth cleaning and examinations are two of the most critical steps you can take to preserve their oral health and encourage healthy development. Cleaning their teeth removes plaque, tartar and bacteria that can cause decay, gum disease, chronic bad breath and which may affect how their adult teeth come in. A kid-friendly hygienist is able to get into spaces that aren’t easy for kids to reach with routine brushing and flossing at home.
After a thorough cleaning is the perfect time for the hygienist and dentist to closely examine their overall oral health, problem areas, baby teeth that may be coming in or falling out, and adult teeth that are finding their permanent home. We will let you know what to watch out for and give you some tips and tricks for oral care at home that are tailored to your child’s specific needs.
Routine pediatric teeth cleanings and exams help:
Before their check-up, we will review their chart and history to quickly find any problem areas or identify troubling patterns. We may take prescribed Xrays or ask about fluoride treatment or sealants for new adult teeth. We will speak to your child in a kid-friendly manner to make them feel comfortable and ask them about how they feel about their teeth and mouth and if they have anything they’d like to ask or share.
Just like with adult teeth cleanings and exams, routine checkups for kids are such a great way to prevent and avoid dental problems that most insurance companies will nearly completely cover them on a routine basis. With typical insurance, you might expect to pay as low as $0 to $50 (or more). Insurance companies typically provide coverage every 6 months except in special circumstances. If you are without dental insurance, you can expect to pay anywhere from $120 to $300 and up, especially for their first appointment or for the first appointment in a long time.
When we determine the actual cost of their treatment we refer to a few important factors:
Remember, no dentist can give you an exact quote over the phone. If you would like more personalized information or an itemized quote, we would be happy to provide you with one upon request. We can’t state enough how important it is to provide children with routine pediatric dental care. Monitoring all of the changes happening to their mouths as they grow and develop is the most effective way to prevent costly and painful complications.
Just like for adults, we would normally recommend coming in every 6 months to get their teeth cleaned and have a checkup unless otherwise recommended by the dentist. Some people come as often as every 3 months. We would strongly recommend waiting no longer than a year.
Don’t wait. If you have any concerns about your child’s teeth or oral health it’s best to come in right away so we can address any issues while they’re still minor.
Young children have no frame of reference for what’s an acceptable amount of discomfort. Some kids just try to cope and won’t speak up on their own. Your child might be experiencing discomfort or pain if you notice the following:
Most appointments last between thirty minutes to an hour. Dental appointments can take longer if children have lots of questions or for anxious children who need plenty of reassurance and gentle patience.
Your child should wait at least 30 minutes after a fluoride treatment before eating or drinking. Waiting the full 30 minutes gives the treatment time to work it’s magic before it’s scrubbed away by food and rinsed away with drink.