Whitby Dental Studio provides porcelain veneers in Whitby, Ontario. Call 905-666-2750 to learn more and schedule an appointment.
Veneers are a natural-looking cosmetic treatment that can provide a dramatic smile makeover. Veneers can be applied to one or several teeth for any of the following aesthetic reasons:
- Correct gaps between the teeth
- Correct uneven lengths
- Correct slightly misaligned teeth
- Correct discoloration
- Restore chipped teeth
- Correct teeth that are slightly crooked
- Change the size or shape
Porcelain Veneers – Porcelain veneers are the longest-lasting and most aesthetically-pleasing type of veneer. They are created in a lab to the exact specifications of the dentist and mimic the look of natural enamel, using multiple thin layers of porcelain. The size, color, shape, and fit are fully customized.
Looking for a practice in Whitby, Ontario? Contact us at 905-666-2750 to schedule an appointment today!